lördag 15 augusti 2009

The Pondicherry Musketeers

I have had the best weekend with my two new lovely friends, Ebba and Gustav,

Having only met the last week, we have now turned in to a great Musketeer trio - each and everyone of us having our defined role.

Gustav - the magic webmaster, photographer and midnight music radio channel

Ebba - the caring mother and sweetness itself, making sure that everyone has enough food and toilet paper..(!)

Kristina - the doer; ensuring drinks (includes dealing with Pondicherry big boss during Indian after hours for liquor) and ordering coffee (veeery strong and veeeery hot)

Will miss them a lot when we part today; they return to Kancheepuram and I continue to Auroville. Hopefully we will reunite back in the Hand in Hand village soon.

The Indians were pretty chocked when we checked in, 2 girls and 1 guy, all in the same room and one large bed..

Ready for Pondicherry by night

Gustav shaved off his beard into a moustache and played the character of a German in lederhosen for the night

The Lighthouse rooftop, Pondicherry

Good night from the Hand in Hand trio!

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